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Mathematical Interest Theory gives an introduction to how investments grow over time in a mathematically precise manner. The emphasis is on practical applications that give the reader a concrete understanding of why the various relationships should be true. Among the modern financial topics introduced are: arbitrage, options, futures, and swaps. The content of the book, along with an understanding of probability, will provide a solid foundation for readers embarking on actuarial careers.Mathematical Interest Theory includes more than 240 carefully worked examples. There are over 430 problems, and numerical answers are included in an appendix. A companion student solution manual has detailed solutions to the odd-numbered problems. Key Features • Detailed instruction on how to use the Texas Instruments BA II Plus and BA II Plus professional calculators. • Examples are worked out with the problem and solution delineated so that the reader can think about the problem before reading the solution presented in the text • Key formulas, facts and algorithms placed in boxes so that they stand out in the text, and new terms printed in boldface as they are introduced • Descriptive titles are given for the examples in the book,( i.e., “Finding a(t) from ?t” or “Finding a bond’s yield rate” )to help students skimming the book quickly find relevant material.• Exercises feature applied financial questions, • Writing activities for each chapter introduce each homework set.

Mathematical Interest Theory

  • 9780883857540

  • Vaaler, Leslie Jane Federer/ Daniel, James W.

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