The PAK Exam Aids tests your understanding of the source materials, your abilities to demonstrate your understanding of the syllabus, and therefore your readiness to attack the SOA exam. You need to ensure that you are capable of answering higher level cognitive questions out of the reading.
This is the time for you to identify concepts that you either did not fully understand, or cannot utilize the materials that you have covered to answer tough exam questions. This is also an indication of where your next reading of the other products (study manual or condensed summary) shall focus on.
We create integrated questions that span more than one reading of the syllabus. Each MOCK is a problem of three to ten questions drawn from one/multiple readings from the syllabus.
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The Exam Aids contains:
1. List of past SOA exam questions (Excel and PDF files).
Past SOA questions are likely to be tested again. We review the most recent ones from all the SOA tracks, not only the track relevant to this exam. We organize these past exams by Exam-track, and by-topic to make your review more time efficient.
2. 90+ MOCK Exam Problems and Solution (Some Excel files “were applicable” on Request)
We come up with original question testing your ability to attack cognitive level questions during exam day.
PAK Exam Aid for QFI QF Exam
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